New Zealand ISP Market: Q1 2015

The graphic below provides an estimate of the state of New Zealand’s Internet Service Provider market as at Q1 2015. Public information from Statistics New Zealand (Stats) and the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) was used to speculate on the market share of all but the smallest providers. Notes on the methodology follow the graphic.

*** Note 19 Feb 2015 – Update: Added Vocus (Maxnet), Solarix. Changed Velocity to VelocityNet ***

Stats published their latest annual ISP Survey in October 2014. It covers 1.98 million Internet connections from 85 Internet Service Providers, and characterises ISPs by size bands. Additional data requested by Telco2 cited mean and median subscriber count for all but the largest ISP size band.

APNIC has served over 57 million google ads to the world to help determine the penetration of IPv6. The advertisements have special code that connects to APNIC servers and reports number of technical parameters, and test results include the client’s Autonomous System Name (ASN).

To provide a ranking and market estimate, I normalised APNIC’s data set and recoded a number of data points to take into account recent mergers and acquisitions. I then determined market share using ISP survey data from Statistics, and classified providers into bands. Spot checks of mean subscriber totals per band as reported by Statistics against APNIC’s data indicate a good degree of correlation.